Transform YOUR Resource Planning
Better Pricing, Terms, Logistics

The next generation of enterprise resource planning

  • Analyze
  • Initiate
  • Negotiate
  • Benefit 😍
Prosperous AI
  • ⚡️Fast Analytics
  • 📚Connect to all Databases
  • 💬Just Ask
  • ⌨️Quick replies
  • 🔖Faster Negoations
  • 🪄Proprosal Tracker
  • Supplier Outreach
  • 🖥Power of AI
  • 📖Goverment RFP
  • 🗣Spending Insights
  • 📣Reporting
  • 🧠Offline Support
  • 👨‍💻Natual Questions Asking
  • 🫂User Friendly
  • ⌨️Quick Setup
  • 🙋‍♂️Free Trial
  • 🔥Designed for efficiency
  • 🖌Customizable
  • 🤖Automated Responses

Welcome to PAI analytics you can trust

Our AI-driven platform offers innovative solutions that revolutionize your material recorce processes with end-to-end automation. From deep analytics on your purchasing data to measuring forecast and inventory trends, our platform conducts automatic negotiations with suppliers. This speeds up error-free operations and enables unbiased, informed decisions based on what's best for your business.

  • Complex Analytical Insights without Excel,BI Tools,ERP Etc.

  • Handle materials audits like your best analyst

  • Dramatically reduce your time spend in data

  • Activate in minutes

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[object Object], analytics you can trust

Get more done with our AI-enhanced Negotiations tool

Discover the future of sourcing with our groundbreaking negotiations and conversations feature. Effortlessly reach out to thousands of suppliers at once, defining your material needs with precision and letting our AI handle the responses and negotiations. Seamlessly transition from analytics to contract signing, ensuring you get the best terms and streamline your procurement process like never before.

  • Define your material needs with precision

  • Reach thousands of suppliers at once

  • Automated quick responses

  • Let the the AI learn over time and improve your results

Get more done with our ,[object Object], tool

New to PAI

Our Key Features

  • ⚡️
    Generative Analytics

    Audit your Supply Chain with AI.

  • 👨‍💻
    Supplier Database

    A look into our 65M+ Supplier Database.

  • 📚
    Help Center

    F&Q, Guides, and More...

  • 💡

    Set up the AI to maintian your supplier conversations

  • ⌨️
    Proposal Scraping Tool for Government Contracts

    Government procurment deal finder

  • 🔖
    White label

    White label our software for those in procurment

Gain access to enriched supplier database 65+ Million Companies

Easily add to your supply chain with an expansive database, both in the United States and abroad. Effortlessly discover and connect with top-tier suppliers to meet your material needs and secure the best terms for your business. With our comprehensive data enrichment, sourcing the right suppliers has never been easier or more efficient.

  • Find supplier with a simple word reqeust

  • Enrich your contacts at the drop of a hat

  • Easily set up new channels with better logistics than ever before

Get Started
Gain access to enriched supplier database ,[object Object]

Search all of your much needed government proposals websites in seconds!

Simplify your government contract search with our powerful government scraping tool. Consolidate tenders from multiple websites like into one convenient platform, streamlining your procurement process. Effortlessly find and bid on government contracts, saving time and maximizing your opportunities.

  • Find new procurement opportunities in seconds

  • Connect with suppliers and bid on contracts all in PAI

Search all of your much needed government proposals websites ,[object Object]